Thanks for the support and comments from everyone. Agent Orange is getting some great feedback and the public is approving! So that's great news.
You'll notice in the sketches a couple of things. One is the MINI versions of the Agents. I want to do little funny comics here and there in this style. I always like it when someone makes fun of their own creations. A good example of this is from Avatar the Last Airbender. They did little shorts in this style. Very funny!!!
Also, for those of you who know who Jeremy Bomb is, you'll notice Orange wearing a couple of JB shirts. Just a sneak peak of where ol' Bomb might be showing up. (For those of you who don't know who Jeremy Bomb is... he's simply a character that I created that people seem to like a lot. You can see more sketches of him over on my blog.)
Have a great week!
All are great, but I really dig the image third to last. Good to see my buddy JB is going to finally get some time to shine!
Cheers buddy. Keep rockin.
And you've done it again friend. Great sketches of a great character. I agree with what was said above. The 3rd from the bottom has some wonderful stuff going on in it.
Kablooey! That's the sound my mind just made while being blown away.
Great work!
The third one from the bottom is indeed one of my favourite too, but i also really like the second one from the top, especially the bottom left one! (did Mignola make a fan-art of Agent Orange? eh eh eh!)
And tell me, what did Yellow say to make Blue that upset?...
Thanks you guys! Yea, I like that image to... I'm thinkin of doing a coloured version.
haha, and Andry, yes, Mignola inspires me a lot! and as for what Yellow said to Blue... Yellow tends to be not very nice, and Blue tends to take the brunt of a lot of fat jokes... I'm not sure why though.
Niiiice!!! These are all awesome!! I agree,, i like the explosion one. The minis are cool too,, Can't wait to see this,, looks like there could be some really awesome stories with these guys,,
cool , really cool my english is a bit limited but " j'aime "
Cool sketches Rawls! Is the street date approaching?????
oh man dude these are great! agent orange looks like it's been on shelves for ages already-just looks so developed and the style really suits it
love the SD versions(the cartoony ones)
I like him with more slanted shoulders(last pic with the black shirt his shoulders look to braud imo) the one in the white shirt looks more appealing(ya i know its an an angle but u know what i mean)
wicked awesome cant wait for my copy!
Awesome concept and great characters. A very original way of looking at secret agents. Go agent orange! Go!
AWesome Characters!!!
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