This post is specifically for all you super friends who follow this blog!
I have a question that I want your honest feedback on.
As you may know, I have this blog, Agent Orange, as well as my own personal blog that I run and try my darndest to keep updated on the regular. But I was finding last year that it was really getting difficult for me to keep posting on both of them. My concern is that one of them would eventually become unmanaged and therefor unloved and unused.
I'm thinking of not having two blogs, but combining both into one. (basically agent orange blog would cease to be used, and rawls' blog would become the Hub for all things Orange.
My question to all of you is this - Are you cool with that?
I know there may be others that come to this blog that are not in the 'followers' list, but I just wanted to make sure that I inform you ALL of you Orange lovers, so that you can keep in the loop about our good buddy Orange. If you've linked this blog, or follow it, or google reader it, or whatever... If I am going to switch to just having one blog, I'd invite to you switch over to rawlsy.blogspot.com.
Eventually, as time goes by, this blog WILL be ressurected of course and become the main Hub for Orange once again. But until then, I really want to simplify my life and make my focus a little sharper on the important things... like the ART!!
Let me know what you all think, and I'll make my decision by the end of this month. I just wanted to make sure that you, (my good friends and support system) know what's going on.
Thanks again for all your support you guys and gals. I really, REALLY appreaciate it. I wrote a little New Years blurb over on my blog, and it of course includes you all.
Much love
I'll vote 'cool with it' :D
nice pic too btw !
I guess when there's enough orange action resurrecting isn't a bad idea
or maybe find a way to have an Orange section on your Rawls blog.
even just adding tags to each orange image and having a link posted in the side column to that tag would be fine imo
my 2cents!
Even though a part of me will most likely die along with this blog. I check out your other blog as well so it will only end up streamlining my Rawlsy/Agent Orange experience.
Go for it (connect four).
I agree with the tag idea. That would make it easy for me to satisfy any Agent Orange craving that may arise.
...and thanks for all your support too.
Thanks you guys! Yea Joe, I think I will do that. Thanks for the idea my friend!!
Cool blog RAWLS!
Come check out the NEXT 100 when you can!
USAF Reasurch Team stated that Agent Orange did cause Melanoma / Prostate cancers,The Veteran Affairs did add Prostate Cancer to the Agent Orange List. Why not add the Melanoma Cancer when the reasurch team resurched and stated Melanoma was a cancer that was caused from the Chemical too. Help my husband please.
Jo Ann Stalter / Wife and Caregiver
Melanoma Cancer was caused from Agent Orange and the Veterans Affairs won't admit to it. USAF Reasurch stated that Melanoma / Prostate Cancers were from Agent Orange, VA did add Prostate Cancer, believe its demistration to the Veterans with Melanoma, especially when he worked on the planes equipment and was cut on arm, had 30 stitches and all of his other Effects are from AG Chemicals, so why not the Melanoma?
Need your Help with this. Thanks
Jo Ann Stalter / Wife and Caregiver
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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